6 Essential Questions to Ask Before Hiring a Criminal Defence Lawyer

When you have been arrested and charged with a crime, you are putting your future in the hands of a criminal defence lawyer. As such, it is essential to find the right one to represent your interests and help you obtain the best outcome possible.
Asking the right questions before you retain a criminal defence lawyer and taking the time to get a second opinion from a different lawyer are vital aspects to ensure you choose the best lawyer. The questions you should be asking include:
#1: Do you offer a free consultation?
Most criminal defence lawyers offer a free consultation to find out more about you and the charges you are facing. During the consultation, you can learn about the lawyer’s experience in criminal law, what potential strategies could be used to fight your charges, what the possible outcomes could be, and what you need to know about the court and trial processes.
#2: Who will be handling my case?
Unless you are working with a single lawyer, your case could be bounced around from one lawyer to the next. This could hurt your case since there is not a single lawyer handling your case. You need to be confident in your lawyer’s abilities and that of your entire defence team.
#3: How much experience do they have?
The lawyer’s level of experience related to your specific crime is another crucial factor you need to know. You need to be comfortable that their level of expertise and past case history with similar cases will help achieve the desired outcome.
#4: How accessible will you be?
Facing criminal charges is stressful. While your lawyer may have handled numerous cases like yours, which can put your mind at ease, you can still have concerns. You should be able to establish a good rapport with your lawyer where you feel comfortable with their level of accessibility and communications.
Establishing rapport with your lawyer includes asking their preferred communication method, acceptable response time, can you have their personal phone number, and what hours they are available.
#5: What strategy will you take with my case?
You need to know what strategy your criminal defence lawyer will take with your case. Will they attempt to get the charges dropped? Should you be prepared to go to trial? While your lawyer cannot guarantee the outcome, they should be able to provide you with the strategy they intend to use for your charges.
#6: How much will it cost to retain you as my lawyer?
Fighting criminal charges does cost money. Before you make financial decisions, keep in mind, the cost of your defence from an experienced lawyer could make a huge difference in the outcome of your charges.
If you have been arrested and charged with a crime, get the legal advice you need and potential strategic defences against your charges by contacting a criminal defence lawyer.